С-Холод & Холод
С-Холод & Холод
Интеллектуальная собственность, патентные исследования

Библиографические и реферативные данные к охранному документу NL 1020626 C2 - Antl-kraak Inrlchtlng

(19)NL (11)1020626 (13)C2
(14) Дата публикации: 2003-11-18
(21) Регистрационный номер заявки: 1020626
(22) Дата подачи заявки: 2002-05-17
(45) Опубликовано: 2004-01-05
(56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске:
(S) US 4624600 A, 1986-11-25
(S) DE 3112717 A1, 1982-10-07
(72) Имя изобретателя:
Floor Edwin (NL)
(73) Имя патентовладельца:
Floor Vouwhek B.V (NL)
(74) Патентный поверенный:
Jilderda A. A. (NL)
(54) Antl-kraak Inrlchtlng
(57) The device comprises a fitted trough, a lower frame and an upper frame. The lower frame has at least two bars secured to the upper frame via hinges. The upper frame contains openings which are wider than the bars in the lower frame. The upper frame is connected to the trough via at least two hinges. Independent claims are also included for the following: Floor with a built-in anti-ram raid device as described above; and Method for protecting a building against break-ins or breakouts, by activating one of these devices located in the floor or ground close to or inside the building.

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